“Pair of 10’s”
“Pair of kings”
“Wait! We’ve got a pair of Franks”
“A pair of Franks wins? Oh, this might be good”
And so it goes. My buddy Trucker Frank asked me to join his blog, or is it get involved as he started this months ago with the idea that we; a pair of Franks (kingdomoffranks), might put down on “paper” the phone conversations we have as he criss-crosses Kansas, Iowa and Minnesota while I wage the war of “Christian retailing” (more on that later I’m sure as some of these books drive me crazy!) in Minnesota. Some of you might know me and some do not. So here’s Frank!
“Pair of kings”
“Wait! We’ve got a pair of Franks”
“A pair of Franks wins? Oh, this might be good”
And so it goes. My buddy Trucker Frank asked me to join his blog, or is it get involved as he started this months ago with the idea that we; a pair of Franks (kingdomoffranks), might put down on “paper” the phone conversations we have as he criss-crosses Kansas, Iowa and Minnesota while I wage the war of “Christian retailing” (more on that later I’m sure as some of these books drive me crazy!) in Minnesota. Some of you might know me and some do not. So here’s Frank!
Like Trucker Frank, I am a Free Range Follower of Christ – hence the Holy Roaming Empire. I am Gratefully Disillusioned (Thanks Brad and Wayne, I love that descriptor) with “mainline”, “evangelical” and “emerging” doctrine, thinking and indecisiveness; even though my wife and I attend a Methodist church – weird. We think that someday we will leave, but we do love some of the people there and believe that God has called us there. (We love Wesley, but are not always that crazy about what happened to the community he founded).
I believe that God sent His son to reclaim us and that through Jesus Christ we can have a deep, intimate relationship with God our Abba. I believe that God is very much alive today and that if we all just slow down, quiet down and calm down we can’t help but have an encounter with HIM. I love being in ministry and believe that God calls all His people to ministry.
On a lighter note, I love the outdoors, fishing, kayaking and camping with my wife and family. So, that’s me in a nut shell. I won’t bore you with the other details unless you ask, we’ll let the blog answer or raise the questions (I’m on facebook if you’re interested).
Trucker Frank and I hope that you will join in the conversions, we don’t have all the answers, in fact we are learning about God, ourselves and others each and everyday. We know that this won’t be read by thousands or even hundreds, that’s not the point, we be happy if a few people joined the dialogue. We ask that you are respectful as we believe that once the dialogue breaks down the learning and growth stops. Also, we want to challenge you to share your opinion, not someone else’s, let God speak to you and share your insights with all who come to “The Table”.
So, forward for our KING
In HIM - fbw
i am SO EXCITED about this, kingdomoffranks! :) so funny you guys, looking forward to future posts!
Hey "Manager Frank" welcome to the blog-o-sphere. Looking forward to following you in ministry and how God is working with y'all!
Frank & Frank -
Now I wish my name was Frank! It's nice to know that you are in good company.
Frank W. - Good to meet you.
Frank S. - What's happening?
welcome to the blogosphere Frank W!
Looking forward to your input.
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